Thursday, February 20, 2003

Well, it's been a few days since I posted anything here. We have had a "snowstorm of historic proportions" to quote the emergency notice on the municipal access channel on TV. The snow started on Sunday and continued until Tuesday mid-day. We have had over two feet of snow. I got the car dug out by Tuesday morning and was relieved to get my wheels back. The kids have not gone to school at all this week. We are waiting to see what happens tomorrow. They are worried about the roofs collapsing under the weight of the melting snow, so we will know after 4 PM if there is school.

We finally got our mail today. So much for "neither rain, nor snow, blah, blah, blah will keep the mailman from his appointed rounds". We spend yesterday digging out the mailbox because the mail carrier can't get out of his truck, nor can he back up his truck, according to our local postmaster. Anyway, things are seeming to get back to normal.

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