Monday, February 2, 2004

Do We Need to Get New Spys

Here is a blog I wrote my church blog. Any comments?

I have been following the David Kay "we were all wrong about WMD's, maybe" story and am wondering . . . What is wrong with the CIA? Do we need to get some new spies?

Kay's theory about the reason for the massive intelligence failure, (if indeed that is what has happened), is that we along with Saddam were victims of a massive Potemkin scam. Poltemkin was the guy who built fake cities for Catherine the Great in Russia, because he couldn't fulfill her orders with real ones. Michael Ledeen at National Review Online blows that story out of the water with this story: Potemkin WMDs. Interesting read that leads me to believe that the WMD's are still out there somewhere.

I also find it interesting that Bush plans to consult personally with Kay to discuss the issue and that Bush has moved so rapidly to recommend an independent investigation into the matter. Go here to read about this development at the AP. I am happy that Bush does not appear to be stonewalling. Of course the AP spin on the story is that its all election year CYA'ing on Bush's part.

Of course one of the most shocking developments about this whole situation is that I find myself agreeing with John Corzine, who believes that CIA Director Tenet's head should roll of this issue. Since Tenet is a hold over from the Clinton era anyway, I would be happy to see him go. I would love to see him replaced with a Director that would invest more in "human" intelligence instead of relying so heavily on high tech gagets like satellites and cameras. Here is an interesting article about why we need real live spys

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