Thursday, September 18, 2003

Bible 'Zine?

I just got back from my weekly breakfast with two guys from church. One of them was reading the new york times magazine article on a new format for the Bible called revolve. This new is a new format for the Bible targeted for teenage girls that has the look and feel of something like Seventeen Magazine. The publishers must have struck a cord because the 'zine ranks #68 today on the sales rank list. That's pretty amazing. It was kind of interesting. I was just telling my kids the other day about how every respectable Jesus Person had a copy of the Way . . . a soft cover edition of the Living Bible with pictures of Hippies in it. That what I had in High School. Maybe "Revolve" will be the Way for this generation's girls. Now they need to come up with something like it for the guys.

The NYT Magazine interview is interesting read by the way. I think the most priceless exchange, betraying the fundamental ignorance that our culture has of the gospel story is this:

But Mary Magdalene, who was Christ's girlfriend, favored low necklines
and loads of jewelry.

Mary was a friend of Christ. From the Bible, we have no indication that there
was any sexual relationship with her.

You could argue that Christ was drawn to her precisely because of her
flamboyant clothing.

Christ was drawn to everyone. I think he loved Mary regardless of her

But he does not love girls who call boys, at least according to
''Revolve''! It's positively regressive for ''Revolve'' to suggest that God made
men to be the leaders in romance.

There's no indication from Scripture that Mary Magdalene ever picked up the
phone and called Christ.

There is a Christianity Today review entitled ten things you should know about the new girls' biblezine that is a pretty interesting read as well. The author is upset at the conservative orientation of the writers of the side bars, especially in regards to their traditional slant on gender roles. The author is also upset at the embedded marketing in the 'zine.

It will be interesting to see if 'zine is a trend or just a flash in the pan. 

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